Saturday, August 12, 2006

Updates on my recent life

1. A young man asked me out to watch fireworks. Young.
2. An older man called to say he wants to ask me out. Older. Two actually.
3. A married man tried asking me out few times. Then ask why it is so difficult to date me.
4. My boss is entrusting me more than I want to be. Difficult.
5. My boss' wife is beginning to find faults with me. She hates that my boss is giving me more trust than to her.
6. A friend called me from afar. Called to hear my voice. Called to make me smile.
7. Someone said he misses me alot. A lot a lot.
8. Been travelling quite a bit for work. Tired.

That is all. Work is good, boss and his wife suck. Wahaha. I will survive another week.