Saturday, October 29, 2005

Look at Simon's face, almost bursting under the weight of wet sand. Kekeke... Posted by Picasa

Doggy Bruce is so smitten with Simon Posted by Picasa

Pose of satisfied victory. Evil people they are... Posted by Picasa

The three evil perpetrators, trying to bury poor Simon alive. Posted by Picasa

Getting ready for X-film shooting. Haha.. Posted by Picasa

'Zam zhuee long' Hehehe... Posted by Picasa
I am watching a show, and there is this scene where the female lead is telling the male lead to forget their past love:

'I have stopped loving you. I am sorry. Please forget me. I see what's going on in your life now know you have a new love; and seeing you happy makes me contented. Neverending pining is too painful. It is sometimes a blessing to be able to let go of a love. Start afresh and hold on to the present love, because when there is an expiry date, it makes the love all the more valuable.'

I just want to tell my friends and anyone who is reading this that letting go of your love over someone does not mean you do not care about the person anymore. It only means your love for the person has entered another level, and that you have learnt to love yourself better too. I have every right to say this because I have been through this too. There was a time when I was hurting and pining and wishing I could turn back the clock and stop Time. But I realised that I have to let go of that relationship in order to treasure it more, and that I owe it to myself to live a happier life. It is only now that I have let go that I can look back and smile and appreciate what I had before; and learnt that I should treasure whatever I have right now even more, before it is time to let that go as well.

It is said that the only constant in life is change. Things change, feelings change and so do people. Only when we learn to take things easy that we are better able to appreciate the present. Otherwise in our midst of pining and longing, we too will take the things in front of us for granted too.

Some of my friends are feeling really low, some so stressed by work. I just want to say that happiness is a state of mind that you decide to be in. No one can bring you happiness if you refuse to let go of your sadness. Life will not be pleasant if your attitude is that it sucks. I learnt this the hard way.

So please, love yourself a bit more. Tell yourself only you can bring yourself happiness. No one else has the ability to affect you if you do not allow them to.

On a lighter note, I was at Sentosa last Saturday with some of my colleagues. It has been almost a decade since I willingly and knowingly agree to an outdoor event which I know I will sure get tanned under the sun. True enough, before the day was over I was burning on my chest and shoulders. Then I suffered the fate of a peeling face and chapped lips, despite all efforts to moisturise and 'damage-control'. I come to the conclusion that I was right to have avoided the sun for almost a decade. I really look funny tanned. Now that I am peeling on my face it does not make things any better... AND the hilarious thing is, I now have a palm-like print across my upper back. The amazing thing is that this print is not a tanned or burnt print. Instead, it was like someone had put his hand on my back while I was under the sun so that all other parts of my back is tanned except where the hand was. Eerie right? At first when my colleagues pointed out to me we thought it was white spots. But when I went home and took a closer look I saw that it looked like a palm on my back. The stranger thing was this print did not turn up till it was two days after the tan. It was not there on Saturday evening itself. I told my mum I must have been given a palm strike by a ghost during the night. Just like I used to have mysterious bruises over me few years back when I wake up in the morning. Heh.

Well, no low back for the time being.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I cannot get my comments window to work, so I shall make do with the tag-board once more, till I figure it out.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I did a search of my name on yahoo search the other day. Hmm, the other person who has the exact same name as me seems like an impressive lady who fights for the rights of coloured women in the States. Well well well. Interesting.

Been very busy and caught up with work. Good thing is I am happy. Seems like some of my friends are not that happy. If I learnt anything this year, it is that attitude plays a very big part in how your life turns out and if you are ever going to be contented or happy with the present.

Sure, life can always be better. But at least it is not any worse right? Being the greedy beings that we are, we will always want more and hope for more. But I keep reminding myself, everything is two-way. You cannot expect always only to take and never give.

Doing a 3-quarters report of my life so far, I got to say it is not all that bad. I got to travel quite a fair bit this year, learnt alot, seen alot; and I am pleased with the path my life is taking now. It sure is getting exciting for me as far as I can see.

Contentment is an elusive thing, easy to explain difficult to practice. I am glad I am feeling contented now.


Monday, October 10, 2005

The pounding headache that had been plaguing me for a week is finally gone! One week of suffering exactly. And as quietly as it started it snucked off just as sneakily. I was almost beginning to think I had been possessed while in Phuket last weekend. No, do not envy me. I was there for work. And the entire time I was there I did not even get to go near the beach, spent all my time recceing the place for my company conference next month.

Anyway, I digressed. I just wanted to blog that the headache went off because I finally get to meet someone! Someone I have been missing and thinking about alot. Just seeing him makes all my aches and pains go away. It does not even matter that he spent most of the time we were together sleeping. Poor guy, overworked till he has fallen really ill. Just seeing him makes me happy.

Hee... *silly grin*

Will try to blog more and more often. Work has been really hectic, hardly have time to rest and sleep myself, never mind coming online or updating my blog.