The rain poured. It was almost as if it's telling of the emotional upheaval I'm going through with my decision this morning. But in a strange subliminal way, I was at peace, with myself and with the situation. Most of all I was subservient to whatever God has in store. The sadness will not go, but one has learnt to be contented with the present.
It's funny how unconscious we are of our daily habits till we change them. Never realised how much I subconsciously reach out for the ring always till now when I reach out and it's not there anymore. When one is not looking it sure feels like it's still there. Just like how you think the person is still there... hahaha....
I tried very hard today not to look down the lane where he always used to park and wait for me. And I did it. Silly isn't it, to always walk down the lane and still half-expecting him to be waiting at the end of it.
Ramble ramble.....