There is a room, in a house set upon a hill, overlooking the town. A chair sits in the corner of the room, where a window is. A tall window that reaches up to the ceiling. It is covered with a heavy drapery. A curtain that does not let the sun through. A curtain that keeps the cries in. The room is bare except for a bed right in the middle of the floor. And that chair in the corner. A girl sits on the chair. Sometimes she will draw the curtain back just a little to peek out at the world outside and the town below. In her heart she longs to be out in the sun. To be with people. To be filled with laughter and joy. But an incomprehensible fear keeps her to the room. Fear of being in the sun. Fear of being happy. Fear of being hurt. Fear of what is out there. So she spends her days pacing round the room. Sometimes she cowers under the sheets on the bed. As if she can hide from the world, wishing she can just vaporise away.